- A slap at Hillary Clinton
- A result of the uniqueness of the Iowa electorate
- A result of Oprah's support
This election was decided long before Iowa...before Hillary Clinton was annointed as a sure thing....even before we knew who all of the candidates would be. The sleeping giant, the Ascendant Center, has been ignited. Barack Obama was the only one that could ignite it, and the power of what he has unleashed will stagger those few holdouts of the far left and right who can't quite understand why their disgusting divide and conquer strategy isn't working any more. The age of Karl Rove, George Bush, Bill O'Reilly, Rush Limbaugh and Moveon.org is finally over.
I don't think even an unlikely, but always possible embarrassing gaffe can stop Obama now. As long as he does not join our sad history of assassinated messiah figures, wonderful times are ahead.