Sunday, February 25, 2007

The Truth Behind "An Inconvenient Truth"

Tonight is Oscar night, and aside from a particularly interesting Best Picture and Director race (go Clint!) a lot of attention is being focused on the Best Documentary category. I think this is quite revealing.

"An Inconvenient Truth" is the heart and soul project of Al Gore, the candidate every comedian hoped would win the Presidency due to his stiff, even nerdy speaking style. But the same person lampooned for his "lockbox" and "creating the Internet" is now about to win an Oscar. What's more, the movie is going to win despite the fact that it is really a scientific paper transposed to video.

So why is this so revealing?

Because the topic of global warming has caught on not just with the Academy, but with the general media/public, despite the Natalie Holloway, love crazed-astronaut or Anna Nicole Smith media meltdowns. The electorate is in the mood for serious discussion about real topics. They've come to the realization that there is no longer an argument about whether global warming exists. It's here, it's getting worse and it's time to act. Even 86 evangelical Christian leaders, including presidents of evangelical colleges and megachurches are putting their weight behind initiatives to address the problem. In California, always the state to watch for trends that sweep the country, Arnold Schwarzenegger has spearheaded and signed a sweeping law to cut CO2 emissions.

So while Fox News, President Bush and a few other holdouts get left behind, Al Gore will be on stage tonight accepting what I expect to be thunderous applause.

Any candidate hoping to win the Presidency best pay attention.

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