Thursday, May 10, 2007

Here comes Rudy

Rudy has figured it out.

During the Republican debate a few weeks ago, he stumbled trying to explain his position on abortion. Trying to be all things to all people, he alternately made it sound like he supported a woman's right to choose and judges who would abolish legal abortion.

That's yesterday's politics - trying to not offend the extremes of political thought.

Then last week it came to light that Rudy had given money to Planned Parenthood back in the 1990's. This revelation may have turned out to be the defining moment in Rudy's bid for the Republican nomination. If he had continued down the same track he was on, his response to questions this raised might have been, "While I did give money to Planned Parenthood, I believe abortion is wrong and will oppose it to the best of my ability if elected." This would be the "damage control" response, designed to get him back within the tolerance of the conservative base of the Republican party.

But instead Rudy opted to say what he thinks. Namely, that abortion ultimately is a woman's decision, even if he personally opposes it. This response won't win him any friends with the single issue crowd. In fact they'll probably write him off now. But Rudy realizes that winning the support of that segment would doom his overall electability because times have changed. The extremists no longer have the power. More importantly, Rudy decided it's time to say what he thinks. Saying how you really feel about an issue is a wonderfully liberating experience.

I'm expecting a re-energized Rudy Guiliani over the next few months - and the Democrats had better pay attention.

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