Friday, April 6, 2007

Hate vs. Hope

No matter how good a writer you are, words inevitably pale in comparison to one electrifying (if deeply disturbing) visual moment. Several times in my posts I have sought to describe the sickness in our country that is exemplified by those in the media who seek to inflame issues for political gain. I have said Bill O'Reilly is the worst offender alive at this game. For those who doubt me, here's a clip that I would like you to watch...

It makes no difference where you stand on the immigration debate. It makes no difference if you are liberal or conservative. It makes no difference if you are Republican or Democrat. The only thing worth taking from this video (and it's everything) is that Bill O'Reilly is filled with hate. Watch his face and you will see it's not a face of someone passionately arguing a point - it's a face of hatred. End of story.

But in the news, there is also hope. A few days ago figures were released on how the major candidates are doing raising money. Some are doing better than others, but the big story to me was not that Barack Obama raised a staggering $25million in the first quarter - essentially tied with Hillary Clinton for first in the fundraising game. The big story was that he had nearly twice as many donors - many of whom gave small amounts of money. In other words, he got those who rarely contribute to give money.

In the coming months, the electricity of the ever-growing crowds listening to Obama's speeches will become startling. Those who said relying on students for support is foolish - because they never vote - will be proven wrong. Those who think they can write off those who had given up on politics will rue the day they did so.

Get ready for hope to vanquish hate.

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